Media Art Curriculum: Ages Six to Nine
Exploring and Responding 2.ME.010
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
.01 Explore reasons humans have developed and created media arts
.02 Explore where, why and how people across cultures, including First Nations Australians communities, experience media arts
.03 Distinguish between contrasting periods and styles in media arts
.04 Realise what media artists do, who they are and what they make
.05 Understand that artists create for different reasons and that various interpretations and opinions of their works are possible
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Listen to the Story of Media Art
- Explore art timelines and media art history books
- Group discussion
- Incursions, goings out, excursions
- Independent research, including First Nations Australians and other Australian artists of the past and present
- Identify periods of media art on a timeline
- Discuss periods and styles of media art using some terminology
- Study the lives and work of media artists, including First Nations Australians and other Australian artists
Resources include:
- Fundamental Needs of Humans charts
- timeline of humans
- timelines of media art and artists
- charts and posters
- digital and video resources
- media art cards
- media art reference books and print materials
- Australian Curriculum's Media Arts resources
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (V9)
Developing Skills and Techniques 2.ME.020
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Demonstrate an awareness of using sound, images and text to communicate ideas.
02. Investigate and demonstrate how story structure can be represented through images, sounds and text:
03. Investigate and demonstrate formats of images, sounds and texts appropriate to various text conventions.
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Explore use of media arts in cultural stories
- Experiment with sound recording and sound effects to enhance the mood of a story
- Create storyboards to sequence images
- Experiment with digital cameras and video equipment to capture still and moving images
- Use a series of captured images to retell a story from history, from a personal experience, or from the local community
- Explore cultural and community stories through technologies to Capture image, sound and text
- Create stories of people and characters through technology to capture image, sound and text
- Experiment with text to accompany still and moving images
- Examine various types of texts to determine their use of image, sound and text, e.g., magazine and newspaper covers
Resources include:
- studio space
- audio and video resources
- electronic and digital resources
- charts, posters, picture cards
- media art reference books
- wide variety of art media and tools
- Australian Curriculum Media Arts resources
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (V9)
Creating and Expressing 2.ME.030
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
.01 Begin generating media artworks to communicate ideas using a variety of skills, techniques, processes, conventions and technologies
.02 Experiment with techniques and media used by various peoples around the world
.03 Use media arts to illustrate work in history, geography and biology
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include a variety of activities using different types of media.
Resources include:
- wide collection of media art materials and media
- charts, posters, prints
- electronic and digital resources
- media art card materials, books and print materials
- Australian Curriculum's Media Arts resources
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (V9)
Presenting and Reflecting 2.ME.040
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
.01 Display and discuss own artwork with others
.02 Create artworks for specific audiences
.03 Reflect on and discuss the artwork of others
.04 Participate in art activities that involve cooperative efforts
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- School events/activities (e.g., exhibition, local competition, end of year concert, school play, book week)
- Large cooperative projects for school beautification
Resources include:
- studio space
- display space