Languages Other Than English (LOTE): Ages Six to Nine
LOTE Overview
The rich linguistic and cultural diversity of the Australian community is echoed in the role languages other than English, and the culture they represent, play in the Montessori curriculum. Montessori educators recognise that engaging with a language other than English contributes to:
a sense of personal achievement
intellectual enrichment
a better understanding of the world and Australia’s place in it
a better understanding of and enhanced respect for the many communities in Australia (ALLC 1996: 3)
The study of other languages will enable children to respond positively to future opportunities in a world increasingly shaped by globalisation and linked by information and communication technologies. Through experience with other languages, children become increasingly aware of themselves as members of an international community.
Unlike the learning of their first language, to learn another language at school, children must focus consciously on language patterns and how they are used to make meaning. The intellectual challenge of learning another language, and the knowledge and skills gained, enhance all areas of children’s intellectual development, including the development of literacy in their first language.
The aims for including the learning of another language in the Montessori curriculum include:
developing an understanding of the culture and fundamental needs of another human group
building enhanced communication skills
focusing on the patterns of languages
building understanding of the relationship between language and culture
laying a foundation for a lifelong interest in learning other languages
When another language is introduced into a Montessori learning environment, it is integrated into all areas of the curriculum. Children are offered materials in the other language that mirror the materials they have been working within their first language. All curriculum areas provide opportunities for the study of another language. Here are two examples:
Montessori card material, comprising pictures, labels and definitions, in subject areas such as biology, zoology, geography and history can be adapted by adding labels and definitions in the other language to the reverse side of the cards.
Procedures in the classroom, including classroom rules, experiments and recipes, can also be written in both languages.
As in all areas of the Montessori curriculum, materials and activities designed for learning a language other than English are prepared to enable self-directed, independent work for individuals and groups. These materials are placed on the shelves as another choice available to the children at any time of the day, rather than at one set time in the week only. Children are also involved in research-based projects relating to this language, its history and culture.
The language chosen as the other language to be learned in a Montessori school is determined by the location of the school and the population and culture of the school community. For young children, Montessori educators believe that it is essential that they hear the new language spoken by native speakers, so the language will only be included in the school curriculum if there is a teacher available for whom this language is a first language. Children are offered as many opportunities as possible to hear the language spoken in everyday life, and in the context of different areas of the curriculum. When they are ready, they are also offered opportunities to use the language in meaningful ways. Once a language has been chosen, this language and its culture is incorporated into many areas of school life, including celebrations, performances, and excursions (e.g., art exhibitions, shopping trips, markets, restaurants, festivals).
When children are introduced to work with other languages it is important to use familiar material. Vocabulary enriched picture material and labels in classified sets, similar to that used in the Children’s House, can be used as a model for bilingual vocabulary building material. Each label can have an English word on one side and the corresponding word in the language being learned on one side of the card. The children then have a control of error in their own language. This material can be made for both words and sentences, classified by category or activity (e.g., Fruits, Playing in the park).
The Montessori function of words grammar games and reading command cards can be duplicated in the language being learned and used for reading exercises, building vocabulary, practising basic grammar and as models for writing exercises. Environment cards, puzzle words and phonogram books and cards can also be developed to help expand vocabulary and give basic spelling rules. Sets of rhyming words can be developed to enhance pronunciation and spelling. Word study materials should focus on types of word study that might be peculiar to the language being learned.
As the children progress, the grammar boxes can be duplicated in the language being studied. The children will be challenged to read for understanding at the same time as they are introduced to the basic grammar of the language. Interpretive reading cards in the language being learned will also help children explore written expression in the new language.
Classified picture card material and labels in the sciences and history may also be bilingual, as children with particular interests may be more inclined to practise the language if they are working with the subject matter in which they are interested.
Skits or scenes from longer plays can be made in the language being learned. Songs in the language should be part of the music work and any performances presented by the children.
Language Use: listening and responding 2.AL.010
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Recognise and respond to spoken words, phrases and simple sentences in the language
02. Recognise and respond to spoken texts in familiar situations in the language
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- active listening for and responding to spoken words, phrases, statements, questions, exclamations, requests (e.g., songs, rhymes, dance, actions, games)
- identifying the purpose of and responding to short spoken texts in familiar situations (e.g., greetings, requests, statements, questions, exclamations)
- listening to spoken presentations in other curriculum areas (e.g., mathematics)
- listening to short spoken texts while following the written form
- using paralanguage to support communication in culturally meaningful and appropriate ways (e.g., tone, pitch, volume, gestures, facial expressions)
- repeating sounds, words and phrases with attention to pronunciation and meaning
- functions of words grammar games.
Resources include:
- native speaker/s in the community
- CDs/tapes to enable independent student work
- reference charts, dictionaries, word lists and glossaries
- classified card sets of pictures and labels.
Language Use: reading and responding 2.AL.020
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Understand the relationship between printed text and corresponding sound and meanings
02. Demonstrate comprehension of written text (e.g., by answering questions, matching written cards to pictures, and doing actions)
03. Identify and respond to written language (e.g., stories, cards and messages)
04. Identify and respond to written words, phrases and simple sentences in a variety of ways (e.g., matching words with pictures, reconstructing a text, sequencing words/sentences)
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- recognising symbols, words, phrases and conventions of the written language (e.g., labels, captions, menus, charts, stories, cards, messages)
- demonstrating reading comprehension (e.g., acting out, answering questions, matching written language to pictures, reconstructing text, sequencing written words and sentences)
- locating key words and phrases in written text
- word reading (e.g., environment labels, puzzle words, word study, rhymes, phonograms
- grammar games (e.g., verb commands, logical adjective/adverb, functions words, grammar boxes).
Resources include:
- Montessori card material, definitions and booklets
- easy to read books on topics of interest, stories and poems.
Language Use: speaking 2.AL.030
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Use known words in the language studied to interact in everyday activities
02. Use familiar language to share information
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- singing, reciting and repeating phrases
- participating in social interchanges e.g., greetings, introductions
- using the language in classroom activities e. g. grace and courtesy
- imitating/reproducing accurately pronunciation, intonation and stress
- participating in short conversations to ask and respond to questions, make and respond to requests, give and respond to instructions
- presentations in other areas of the curriculum.
Resources include:
- recordings on CDs
- picture material to elicit conversation.
Language Use: writing 2.AL.040
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Demonstrate developing writing skills by recognising and copying the language studied
02. Use models to write text to convey personal information and ideas
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- writing letters/characters, words and phrases
- producing texts using a range of media e.g., greeting cards, posters
- using reference materials e.g., charts, dictionaries, word lists, glossaries
- using all of the Montessori material as a model for the children’s own writing e.g., making own verb commands.
Making Linguistic Connections 2.AL.050
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Recognise the diversity of language systems
02. Explore ways in which meaning is expressed in the language studied
03. Explore relationships between languages such as the influence of globalisation, different language rules, common features of social interaction across languages and similarities and differences in writing systems
04. Identify ways in which meaning is conveyed by the sounds, symbols and word order of the language studied
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- building awareness of the sounds and written forms of languages in the community and the different ways familiar concepts are expressed e.g., greetings, politeness markers
- identifying familiar words from other languages e.g., pizza, sushi, kindergarten, café
- researching different writing systems
- attending to sounds and conventions in other languages e.g., in French accents over letters, use of alors when starting a new task
- attending to appropriate nonverbal communication e.g., gestures, facial expressions.
Moving Between Cultures 2.AL.060
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Demonstrate awareness of cultural diversity
02. Recognise the link between culture and identity
03. Identify cultural practices of communities which speak the language studied
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- identifying local places of cultural significance e.g., shops, markets, restaurants, places of worship
- recognising expressions of culture e.g., music, dance, food, games, celebrations, flags, traditional dress, landmarks
- excursions to places where other languages are spoken every day e.g., celebrations, shopping areas, restaurants
- observing customs and traditions in social interaction e.g., greetings involving as kissing on both cheeks, shaking hands
- researching other cultures
- comparing own lifestyle with those who speak the language studied e.g., food, family.
Resources include:
- books, maps, magazines, newspapers, video
- community.