About this curriculum
The document includes an overview of Montessori principles and developmental characteristics for each plane or stage of development from birth to eighteen years. A summary of content strands, knowledge, skills and understanding as well as resources and activities are included in a table for each of the curriculum areas for children aged birth to twelve years. An outline of possible topics and areas of study for the adolescent aged twelve to eighteen is also included.
This website features updated content from the Montessori National Curriculum (MNC). This content is currently awaiting further community consultation and ACARA’s review process. The 2011 version of the curriculum is recognised as an alternative national curriculum framework by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). It is listed on ACARA's Recognition Register.
The 2011 Montessori National Curriculum is available to current member Montessori schools and centres. Visit Montessori Australia’s website to join and download your copy.
The Montessori Australia Group firmly believes in the Montessori idea of ‘Education as an aid to life’. We believe that the child is born with amazing potentialities and is entitled to support, time and opportunities to maximise these through the provision of appropriate learning environments and with the support of adults who understand child development and how to support, encourage and extend the child’s learning.
The Montessori Australia Group is very committed to promoting Montessori, improving the quality of programmes, and supporting Montessori schools, staff, administrators and boards.
We know that education of the young child, and the adult that this child will become, begins at birth within the family and that the home and school environments must work in collaboration to support the child’s optimal growth and development.
The Montessori National Curriculum provides a curriculum outline for the child from birth to eighteen years and helps to ensure a smooth transition from one developmental stage to the next. This document reflects our commitment to ensuring on-going quality and consistency within Montessori environments. The document will undergo regular review to ensure its relevance to current developments in neuropsychology, pedagogy and technology.
The Montessori Australia Group encourages all Montessori settings to participate in the Montessori Quality: Authentic Practice (MQ:AP) process. Participation is centred on continual self-reflection and commitment to Standards of Montessori Authentic Practice so as to offer the best possible educational environment to all children. The development of the Montessori National Curriculum is an important part of the Montessori Quality: Authentic Practice process.
This document draws on the expertise and experience of people in both the international and national Montessori sector representing work with children from birth to eighteen years. We thank all those who generously contributed and look forward to working with all those in Montessori settings as we enter this next exciting stage of ensuring quality Montessori education for all children.
Montessori Australia Group (2021)
The development of the Montessori National Curriculum (2011) was a collaborative process. The Montessori Australia Foundation, and subsequent Montessori Australia Group, acknowledge the cooperation of the North American Montessori Teacher Association (NAMTA), and in particular David Kahn, as well as the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) who provided source material for this document. Documents from the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) were also referenced.
Thank you to the following people who assisted in the writing and research process:
Steven Arnold, Bobbie Beasley, Sue Birdsall, Rebecca Dallam, Dr Susan Feez, Chiray Fitton, Carla Foster, Susan Harris Evans, Christine Harrison, Bronwyn Hope, Amy Kirkham, Dr Jean Miller, Pamela Nunn, Ineke Oliver, Dr Lesley Payne, Fran Reed, Rhonda Sheehan, Pamela Staton, Megan Tyne.
Review and Update
The review and updating of the Montessori National Curriculum (2011) continued to be a collaborative process with invitations being extended to all members of the Montessori community to contribute their expertise. Montessori Australia Group acknowledges the work of the current team of collaborators who have built upon the work of the original contributors as listed. Thank you to the following people who assisted in providing information, reviewing, researching and updating to develop the Montessori National Curriculum (2021). Scott Cromwell, Katie Denzin, Amy Doyle, Laurie Ewert-Krocker, Jan Gaffney, Liz Ghali, Elizabeth Goor, Alex Ioannou, Vicki McKinnon, Mark Powell, Naomi Whitehead, Ruchika Seth.