Science Curriculum for the Adolescent Aged Twelve to Fifteen Years
4.Sc.060 Biological Sciences
4.Sc.070 Chemistry
4.Sc.080 Physical sciences
4.Sc.090 The Study of Human Progress and the Building Up of Civilisation - Use and Influence of Science
Science Across The Curriculum
In the Montessori view, adolescents learn by doing. Learning by doing is a feature of the Montessori Science curriculum. Much of the curriculum is aligned with the occupations of the Montessori adolescent community. Occupations are courses of study that arise out of needs of the adolescent community and local environment. They are projects that provide real, meaningful work that aims at developing a sense of worth in the students because their contributions to the community are real.
The pedagogy used to teach science in the Montessori adolescent community can be described as project-based. Students are engaged in projects related to four science disciplines:
Earth and space sciences: cosmology, including astronomy; geology and physical geography, including the geology and geography of prehistoric periods
Biological sciences: biology, including studies in botany, zoology, ecology, physiology, comparative anatomy and health sciences
Physical sciences: physics and chemistry
Contemporary sciences: mechanics and engineering, history of science and technology, including genetics
Each project is initiated by a problem that needs a solution. For example, if the class initiates a micro-enterprise based on keeping poultry, the need to learn about the biology and needs of poultry is real. This generates meaningful engagement in the process of scientific inquiry, in which students identify and investigate key questions and gather and collate evidence-based conclusions. While each project might be grounded in one area of the curriculum more than others, opportunities for interdisciplinary studies are also valued. While the main disciplinary focus of a project might be on science and mathematics, students might also engage with knowledge and skills related to language, art, history or geography. As the projects unfold, students have the opportunity to contact scientists working in relevant fields, as a source of expertise and as a model for how to conduct scientific enquiry.
While working on projects, students are able to explore particular topics in depth. Early in the project students participate in main lessons which outline the key science concepts needed to engage with the project productively. Students then work to develop their knowledge, skill and understanding to the level required to complete the project successfully. While engaged on a project, students are free to explore areas of science, and to develop scientific capabilities that they find relevant and interesting. In addition, because the projects are undertaken in real life settings to meet real life challenges, the students also explore ethical issues relevant to the project. For example, if the students are working on a project that involves keeping poultry, they might apply their knowledge of poultry biology and behaviour to debate and explore issues relating to the relative merits of cage-laid, barn laid, free range and/or organic eggs.
As the project unfolds, students have the opportunity to take on different roles. For example, students whose project involves keeping poultry might take on the roles relating to farming, using video to keep records or bookkeeping. In this way, students learn to cooperate to achieve goals shared with others, to experiment with different occupations and to demonstrate to themselves and others that they are able to contribute to meaningful and real life ventures. In addition, they learn to think about the ethics of science and progress and develop the ability to make informed decisions about issues that relate to the health and well-being of themselves, their community and their environment.
The project-based approach allows students to develop scientific understanding and inquiry skills because, in order to complete each project, students must engage in research and experimentation. The project-based approach also enables students to understand science as human endeavour. For example, students are encouraged to explore the genesis of scientific knowledge and understandings by researching the biographies of great scientists, past and present, as well as the history of scientific concepts and ideas. As the projects unfold, students engage in seminars, debates and discussions about not only scientific knowledge, understandings and skills, but also the cultural and social issues that need to be taken into consideration when decisions and problem-solving involve science.
As part of the Montessori Science Curriculum for adolescents, students take part in field trips to observe and collect data and to become familiar with the ecology of their region. They learn to identify local plants and animals, whether native, feral or domesticated, and study the ecological systems of the region, including relations between organic and inorganic elements. Students also review their knowledge of the systems for organising knowledge in science and make note of how the knowledge, and terms used are being kept current. For example, they consolidate their knowledge of scientific taxonomies and their organising principles, as well as features, such as anatomy and physiology, which determine where organisms are placed in a classification system. Students also use their research skills to track how knowledge about evolution, and systems such as climate and ecology, is changing and expanding, and what this might mean for decision makers and humanity in general.
In summary, the ‘learning by doing’ project-based approach of the Montessori science curriculum is designed to reveal the relations between elements. This idea is elaborated upon by Montessori (1976 [1948] 93–94) in the following way:
To present detached notions is to bring confusion. We need to determine the bonds that exist between them. When the correlation among the notions, by now linked one to the other has been established, the details may be found to tie together among themselves. The mind, then, is satisfied and the desire to go on with research is born. …
Here is the essential principle of education: to teach details is to bring confusion; to establish the relationship between things is to bring knowledge.
The Aims of the Montessori Science Curriculum for Adolescents from Twelve to Sixteen years
The aims of the Montessori mathematics curriculum for adolescents aged from twelve to sixteen years include the following:
Science inquiry skills
to work with scientific data (primary and secondary), including gathering, recording, storing, collating, interpreting, and repeating investigations
to represent findings in a variety of forms, including graphs, tables and diagrams
to seek elaboration and justification of data and ideas and reflect on alternative interpretation
to use principles that will validate and demonstrate personal understanding of science
to work collaboratively to undertake lab or field science around reality based activities
to follow scientific procedures to observe, hypothesise, predict and test in an area of scientific investigation of their own choice.
to identify potential hazard and design an appropriate investigation to observe, collect data and research
Earth and space sciences
to create maps and drawings of land-based data (topographical maps).
to collect data on the geologic and mineral content of the local soil and through chemical analysis, composition studies and testing, explain the historical development of various materials
Biological sciences
to explore and represent patterns and cycles in the natural world
to create and read biological scale drawings
to Investigate the role of organisms within a variety of ecosystems
to Investigate the local flora and fauna that make up the natural local habitat
to compare and contrast various ecosystems and their associated functions in the succession of habitats
to collect data and track the variability and changes in behaviour of local and domesticated animals.
Physical sciences
to investigate physics in the total environment: the Universe, the earth, the forces that shape the earth, the structure of matter, the transformation of energy, the motion of things, the forces of nature
to select and utilize various mechanical devices while testing the models and patterns of certain scientific laws e.g. conservation of energy
Contemporary sciences
to design and use apparatus tools appropriate to occupational challenges
to maintain small common electrical and mechanical systems, identifying and eliminating possible causes of malfunctions
to compare and contrast the design, functionality and structural integrity of self-designed structures and make appropriate recommendations for improvement
Science Skills 4.Sc.010
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Typically, individuals will:
.01 Questioning and predicting:
Identify questions and problems that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on scientific knowledge
Identify questions and problems that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on scientific knowledge
Formulate questions or hypotheses that can be investigated scientifically
.02 Planning and conducting:
Collaboratively and individually plan and conduct a range of investigation types, including fieldwork and experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed
Measure and control variables, select equipment appropriate to the task and collect data with accuracy
Collaboratively and individually plan and conduct a range of investigation types, including fieldwork and experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed
Measure and control variables, select equipment appropriate to the task and collect data with accuracy
Plan, select and use appropriate investigation types, including field work and laboratory experimentation, to collect reliable data; assess risk and address ethical issues associated with these methods
Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to collect and record data systematically and accurately
.03 Processing and analysing data and information
Construct and use a range of representations, including graphs, keys and models to represent and analyse patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate
Summarise data, from students’ own investigations and secondary sources, and use scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions based on evidence
Construct and use a range of representations, including graphs, keys and models to represent and analyse patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate
Summarise data, from students’ own investigations and secondary sources, and use scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions based on evidence
Analyse patterns and trends in data, including describing relationships between variables and identifying inconsistencies
Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence
.04 Evaluating
Reflect on scientific investigations, including evaluating the quality of the data collected, and identifying improvements
Use scientific knowledge and findings from investigations to evaluate claims based on evidence
Reflect on scientific investigations, including evaluating the quality of the data collected, and identifying improvements
Use scientific knowledge and findings from investigations to evaluate claims based on evidence
Evaluate conclusions, including identifying sources of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations, and describe specific ways to improve the quality of the data
• Critically analyse the validity of information in primary and secondary sources and evaluate the approaches used to solve problems.
.05 Communicating
Communicate ideas, findings and evidence-based solutions to problems using scientific language, and representations, using digital technologies as appropriate
Communicate ideas, findings and evidence-based solutions to problems using scientific language, and representations, using digital technologies as appropriate
Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose, including constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Practice using specific equipment appropriately.
- Field work
- Research projects
- Occupations projects
Resources include:
- Variety of websites and books that explicitly teach the scientific process of how write an:
- Inquiry question
- Hypothesis & fair test
- Procedure
- Conclusion
- Final report
Variety of everyday or specific materials to conduct experiments based on study.
Basic science equipment in a lab:
- Scales
- Measuring equipment
- Stop watches
- Safety equipment (PPE):
- Safety glasses
- Gloves
- Lab coats
- Masks
- Heatproof mats
- Holding equipment
- Collecting data & presenting in tables and graphs
- Grid paper
- Excel spreadsheet
- Calculators
- Explicitly teach, using a variety of websites or books, how to evaluate and analyse data and write a conclusion
- Explicitly teach, using a variety of websites or books, how to write a scientific report
- Provide samples of work
- Internet and books for research
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
The Study of the Earth’s Resources and Space 4.Sc.020
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Typically, individuals will:
.01 Build knowledge of the stars, galaxies and the universe.
.02 Study the history of the exploration of the universe through visual observation, telescopes, unmanned and manned space exploration
.03 Study the structure of the Earth and geological history
The composition of the Earth
Three states of matter
Different ways of combining attraction and gravity
.04 Study plate tectonics and geological phenomena including the formation of landscapes, variety of landforms & geomorphological hazards.
.05 Study the Sun and the Earth
Rotation of the Earth and its consequences
Earth as a sphere
Tilt of the axis
Time zones
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Research projects in the following areas:
- cosmology
- astronomy
- geology
- physical geography
- landforms and landscapes
- Land based occupations
- Making models
- Reading and making maps
- Creating timelines of cosmological and geological eras
- Conducting experiments
- Interdisciplinary projects related to weather and climate
- Visiting the planetarium
- Creating a planisphere and reading it
Resources include:
- Australian Curriculum: Science
- Globes
- Telescope
- Charts
- Maps
- Experimental supplies
- Non-toxic supplies for experiments
- Almanac
- Reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia)
- Local astronomical society
- Books
- Internet
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
Earth & Space Science
Geography: Significance of Landform
The Study of the Earth’s Resources and Space - Soil 4.Sc.030
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Typically, individuals will:
.01 Investigate the composition of soil
.02 Relate soil chemistry to the study of animal and plant life
.03 Apply knowledge of the carbon, oxygen and nitrogen cycles
.04 Understand the role of soil in photosynthesis
.05 Recognise soil types, their origins and their suitability for specific plants
.06 Understand the geological impact of glaciers
.07 Describe the causes and effects of erosion
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Research projects
- Land based occupations
- Testing, grading, and mapping soil types
Resources include:
- Australian Curriculum: Geography
- Soil test kit
- Mineral sample kit
- Range of soil types
- Access to internet, e.g. Google Earth, GIS
- Plants, fertilizers, potting mix, plant pots
- Reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia)
The Study of the Earth’s Resources and Space - Water 4.Sc.040
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Typically, individuals will:
.01 Study the Work of Water
the river
ocean waves
the water cycle
water and vegetation
.02 Appreciate the physical properties of water
.03 Consider water as an environmental resource
.04 Identify water forms on earth
.05 Role of water in connecting places
.06 Describe the role of water in photosynthesis
.07 Comprehend the concept of watershed
.08 Investigate the availability of water across the nation - quantity, quality, variability, scarcity
.09 Discuss the ethical implications of water use and management
.10 Study of environmental change and management in Australia and another country
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Research projects in humanities
- Research projects in biology
- Land based occupations
Resources include:
- Australian Curriculum: Geography
- Australian Curriculum: Science
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
Geography: Water in the world
The Study of the Earth’s Resources & Space - Air 4.Sc.050
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Typically, individuals will:
.01 Study the Work of Air
protection of the atmosphere
land and sea breezes
seasons and the winds
ocean currents
the wind as sculptor
.02 Investigate the chemistry of the air
.03 Define meteorology
.04 Comprehend the transfer of heat energy
.05 Relate movement of air to climatic patterns
.06 Understand the role of convection in heating and cooling
.07 Discuss the implications of degrading air quality and the relation between air quality and climate change
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Research projects in humanities
- Land based occupations
- Testing and analysing air quality
- Physical geography
Resources include:
- Australian Curriculum: Geography
- Australian Curriculum: Science
- Access to Internet e.g. Bureau of Meteorology, Seabreeze
- Airwatch
- air monitor box
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia)
Biological Sciences 4.Sc.060
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Typically, individuals will:
.01 Classify living things according to the Linnaean taxonomy
.02 Study and use different classification systems in use today
.03 Study and compare the morphology, or structural features of living things
.04 Study the cell as the basic unit of life
the structure of the cell
cell respiration
cell division/reproduction, meiosis
.05 Review and extend knowledge of natural cycles:
.06 Review and extend knowledge of the vital functions of living things plants and animals:
body coverings
.07 Introduce and extend knowledge of biochemistry
.08 Review and extend knowledge of human physiology, including body functions, hormones, and nutrients
.09 Explore the interdependency of life – food chains & food webs
.10 Investigate ecosystems, including populations, interactions, and biodiversity within ecosystems
.11 Investigate the characteristics of living things
.12 Understand animal and plant habitats and their distribution
.13 Study photosynthesis
.14 Harvest plant and animal products
.15 Understand the process of photosynthesis and its importance in ecosystems
.16 Understand energy flow in food webs and chain
.17 Research the origins of humans
.18 Inquire into the role and impact of humans on various biomes
.19 Understand the role of humans in animal domestication
.20 Explore the use of genetics for science, medicine and agriculture and debate the ethics behind this use
.21 Explore the ethics of the uses of natural resources
.22 Consider and evaluate the state of environmental sustainability across the globe, including specific study of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s environmental management in different regions of Australia
.23 Discuss the various systems for food procurement, processing, distribution and consider challenges to these systems
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Research projects in the following areas
- Botany
- Zoology
- Physiology/anatomy
- Health sciences
- Participation in land-based occupations: -
- investigating the life forms in pond water and their relations
- identifying, recording, and classifying activities in the school environment, including both domestic and natural species
- Creating diagrams, charts, models and multimedia representations e.g. cells, cell processes, DNA populations and relationships in ecosystems, genetic patterning, natural cycles, biological processes etc
- Projects relating to inherited traits in families e.g. colour blindness
- Creating timelines to illustrate evolutionary time
- Dissection
- Projects that enable students to apply knowledge of human physiology to own health and well-being
- Participation in land-based occupations
- Excursions & fieldtrips
- Create food webs and charts of local areas
- Create a trophic pyramid (energy flow triangle) of a local ecosystem
- Make a diorama of an ecosystem
- In-depth study of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s environmental management in different regions of Australia
- Watch the 2040 Documentary and students create their own 2040 goal for their community.
Resources include:
- Australian curriculum: Science
- Organic garden
- Flora & fauna of local area
- Science lab
- microscopes
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia)
- State government guidelines for animals on the school site (e.g.,Queensland Animals in Schools Ethics Committee – QASEC)
- Anatomical models
- Live animals
- Plants,
- Fertilizers,
- Potting mix,
- Plant pots
- Medical meters, e.g. sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, thermometer
- 2040 documentary and its lesson plans and resources
- Cool Australia website and resources
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
Chemistry 4.Sc.070
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Typically, individuals will:
.01 Identify water as the universal solvent
.02 Recall the molecular structure of water
.03 Understand water ionization
.04 Understand the water cycle
.05 Test water quality:
biological indicators
.06 Mixture, including solution, contain a combination of pure substances than can be separated using a range of techniques
.07 Investigate the nature of matter, including atoms and their structure, particle theory, molecular structure, ionisation
.08 Review and extend knowledge of elements, compounds, chemical reactions, acids and bases, salts, oxidation, valences, the carbon compounds of organic chemistry
.09 Compare and contrast metals and non-metals
.10 Understand and describe the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen cycles
.11 Chemical change involves substances reacting to form new substances
.12 All matter is made of atoms that are composed of protons, neutrons and electrons; natural radioactivity arises from the decay of nuclei in atoms
.13 Chemical reactions involve rearranging atoms to form new substances; during a chemical reaction mass is not created or destroyed
.14 Chemical reactions, including combustion and the reactions of acids, are important in both non-living and living systems and involve energy transfer
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Test the properties of water such as:
- Cohesion
- Adhesion
- Diffusion
- Tension
- Polarity
- Soluble and insoluble
- Tyndall effect
- Paper Chromatography
- Experiment filtering a mixture using all the filtration processes, such as:
- Decanting
- Sieving
- Filtering
- Flocculating
- centrifuging
- Testing pH of water collected from a variety of sources: tap, distilled. Rain, river, pond, creek, etc.
Resources include:
- Basic chemistry equipment
- pH test kit
- all glassware
- soluble and insoluble materials
- Chromatography paper
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
Physical Sciences 4.Sc.080
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Typically, individuals will:
.01 Understand foundation concepts in physics related to forces and motion, including velocity, acceleration, inertia, force, mass and weight, friction, work, power, effort, Newton's three Laws of Motion, energy transformation, mechanical advantage, efficiency.
.02 Investigate simple machines, including, lever, inclined plane, wheel and axle, pulleys, gears
.03 Review and extend knowledge of electricity and magnetism
.04 Describe and explain and non-renewable energy sources including solar power, fossil fuels, geothermal energy, nuclear energy
.05 Investigate forms of energy and energy transfers
.06 Understand energy uses, including work and machines
.07 Appreciate the nature of energy
.08 Explore wave and particle models to explain energy transfer through different mediums can be explained
.09 Explore alternative energy systems
.10 Understand the role of technology in energy production and conservation
.11 Discuss the ethical implications of energy use
.12 Energy conservation in a system can be explained by describing energy transfers and transformations
.13 The motion of objects can be described and predicted using the laws of physics
.14 Explore the functioning of mechanical tools
.15 Explore the function of combustion engines
.16 Explore to understand systems for cooling and heating
.17 Explore to understand electrical systems
.18 Build knowledge of the mechanical and sub-atomic properties of machines that allow them to work
.19 Explore the role of Geographic Information Systems in gathering, analysing, and interpreting data
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Variety of simple experiments to test the concepts
- Create simple machines and test their use.
- Investigate the Rube Goldberg Machine and its use of simple machines.
- Create simple electrical circuits in series and parallel, drawing circuits
- Undertake experiments under laboratory conditions
- Build research skills
- Reference sources effectively
- Research projects in the areas of:
- mechanics
- engineering
- history of science and technology
- Museum of machines occupation projects
- Repair and maintain the systems of a combustion engine
- Apply spatial technology to represent geographic information
- Workshop occupation projects
- Use and care for basic mechanical tools
Resources include:
- Bicycles
- Timing devices, e.g. video timers, light gates
- Solar panels
- Electronics kits
- Reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia)
- Museum of machines
- Workshop
- Tools and equipment
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
The Study of Human Progress and the Building Up of Civilisation - Use and Influence of Science 4.Sc.090
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Typically, individuals will:
.01 Nature and development of science:
Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding of the world and is refined as new evidence becomes available
Science knowledge can develop through collaboration across the disciplines of science and the contributions of people from a range of cultures
Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding of the world and is refined as new evidence becomes available
Science knowledge can develop through collaboration across the disciplines of science and the contributions of people from a range of cultures
Scientific understanding, including models and theories, is contestable and is refined over time through a process of review by the scientific community
Advances in scientific understanding often rely on technological advances and are often linked to scientific discoveries
.02 Use and influence of science:
Solutions to contemporary issues that are found using science and technology, may impact on other areas of society and may involve ethical considerations
People use science understanding and skills in their occupations, and these have influenced the development of practices in areas of human activity
Solutions to contemporary issues that are found using science and technology, may impact on other areas of society and may involve ethical considerations
People use science understanding and skills in their occupations, and these have influenced the development of practices in areas of human activity
People use scientific knowledge to evaluate whether they accept claims, explanations or predictions, and advances in science can affect people’s lives, including generating new career opportunities
Values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Integrate science across other curriculum areas
- Museum of machines occupation
- Research projects
- Socratic seminar
Resources include:
- Australian curriculum: Science
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
Science Across the Curriculum
Synthesis and integration of scientific knowledge can also be achieved through the research and study of topics such as those in the following list:
Science in society, including researching the life and work of an Australian scientist, and science-related industries and professions
Physics of machines, including everyday machines such as bicycles and wheelbarrows
Sustainable technologies, including photovoltaic cells, water use and conservation, grey water use and solar model cars
Organic farming, including worm farms, propagation, irrigation systems and companion planting
A cluster of curriculum areas converge in the study of science. Embedded in scientific enquiry are numeracy skills. In order to undertake scientific investigations, students need to be able to measure data, organise the results meaningfully and interpret and analyse the data using their knowledge about statistics and probability.
In order to record their investigations and express their understanding of science, students must be proficient in all areas of literacy. Students need to deliver spoken presentations and prepare reports. Students also need to participate in seminars, debates and discussions about scientific issues and related cultural, social and ethical issues. These discussions also draw on the Moral Education area of the curriculum.
The history of science is another aspect of the project-based ‘learning by doing’ approach to the study of science. Main lessons and key lessons in some projects include stories about scientists, their discoveries, insights and their contributions to the scientific body of knowledge and our understanding of how the world works. These lives are described in the Montessori context as Great Lives, and include scientists of the past (e.g. Galileo, Darwin, Mendel, Curie) and more contemporary scientists (e.g. Watson and Crick, Marshall and Warren).