Development of Movement:
Ages Birth to Three
Montessori environments prepared for infants and toddlers emphasise the development and refinement of voluntary movement.
Activities are designed to help infants and toddlers bring their movement under the control of the mind, at the same time as they increase their independence in the environment. These activities include exercises for building whole body coordination, control of the hand and hand-eye coordination.
Montessori infant-toddler settings include activities designed to support psycho-sensory-motor development. The term psycho-sensory-motor development refers to the changes in the infant’s brain brought about by sensory-motor experiences. As infants build motor skills, and use their senses to explore the environment, there are corresponding changes in the developing brain. Repetition of movement and the use of the senses help to strengthen neural pathways, thus, enhancing the infant’s potential in all areas of development..
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0.MV.010 Development of equilibrium: in supine position
0.MV.020 Development of equilibrium: in prone position
0.MV.030 Control and coordination of body movement
0.MV.040 Development of the hand grasp
0.MV.050 Tactile Stimulation
0.MV.060 Eye-hand coordination
Development of equlibrium: in supine position 0.MV.010
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
movement mat
interlocking circles
interlocking rings
grasping mobiles.
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Move head and eyes to look at an object
02. Transfer objects from hand to hand
03. Bring knees then feet up to mouth
04. Roll onto front using left/right side
05. Cross the midline
Development of equilibrium: in prone position 0.MV.020
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Lie with arms and legs tucked under body
02. Put weight on elbows
03. Lift head
04. Put weight on one elbow and play with other hand
05. Roll onto back using left/right side
06. Commando crawl using diagonal cross pattern
07. Get up on all fours
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
movement mat
floor space
Control and coordination of body movement 0.MV.030
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will learn to control and coordinate movement of body:
01. Put self into sitting position
02. Pull to stand
03. Crawl
04. Cruise
05. Stand
06. Walk
07. Sit on a chair
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
punch ball
cylinder with ball
bar and mirror
low heavy table
kiosk with bars
push cart
pull cart
weaning chair
low slatted chair.
Typically, children will develop and consolidate skills including:
08. Running
09. Jumping
10. Climbing
11. Swinging from arm to arm (brachiation)
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
climbing frames
brachiation bars
pulley lifters and weighted bags
Implements for sweeping, mopping, raking and gardening
Development of the hand grasp 0.MV.040
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
01. Typically, children will develop control of the hand
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
soft balls
wooden balls
wooden figures
bell or ring on a ribbon
02. Typically, children will explore and develop the capacities of the hand leading to development of the hand grasp and fine motor control
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
ball and tray or drawer
rings on a spindle
box with bins
cube in box
containers to open and close
peg box
preparing food
sand play
cutting with scissors.
03. Typically, children will hold and shake rattles successfully
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
- Handmade rattles small enough for a baby’s hand to grasp, hold and shake.
Tactile Stimulation 0.MV.050
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
01. Typically, children will discriminate objects by sense of touch.
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
interlocking discs
beads on a strap
interlocking rings
wooden articles in a variety of shapes
objects from the home
Eye-hand coordination 0.MV.060
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Develop control of the hand (from batting to a mature pincer grip)
02. Coordinate eye and hand movements
03. Cross the midline while working
04. Use two hands together
05. Transfer objects from hand to hand
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
punch ball
box with knitted ball
box with other balls
ring on rocking base
ring on stable base
rings on a peg
rings on a spindle
graded rings
nuts and bolts
furniture with drawers, locks and keys
peg box
cubes and discs on vertical and horizontal dowels
egg in a cup
cube in a box
beads for stringing
box with different shapes for mailing
slotted box and chips
range of fastenings
objects for opening and closing
sewing materials and implements for cutting and gluing.
06. Typically, children will develop the concept of object permanence
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
box with ball and tray
box with ball and drawer.
07. Typically, children will sort objects
+ Materials and Activity
Resources include:
- Collections of three-dimensional objects for sorting.