Physical and Life Sciences Curriculum: Ages Six to Nine
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The Earth
2.SC.010 Science History and Inquiry Skills
2.SC.020 Globes to Maps
2.SC.030 Continents and Countries: first knowledge
2.SC.040 Landforms
2.SC.050 Maps and Plans
2.SC.060 The Creation of the Universe
2.SC.070 The Earth and the solar system: the sun’s family
2.SC.080 The Formation of the earth
2.SC.090 Geography: first classification
2.SC.100 Solar Energy and the Earth
2.SC.110 Movement of the Earth
2.SC.120 Seasons and Weather: first knowledge
Biology and Ecology
2.SC.130 The Coming of Life
2.SC.140 The Evolution of Life
2.SC.150 The Plant Kingdom: Kinds, parts, functions
2.SC.160 The Animal Kingdom: Kinds, parts, functions
2.SC.170 The Vital Functions of Living Things
Sciences Overview
Montessori environments prepared for children from six to twelve years have fully equipped science areas in which children undertake experiments relating to all areas of the physical and life sciences, including:
physics and chemistry
geography and geology
biology and ecology
When children enter the environment prepared for six to nine year olds, the first science experiments they encounter reveal basic knowledge that helps them understand:
the formation of the solar system
the earth and its parts
the development of life on earth
the needs of plants and animals.
Subsequent science experiments enable children to explore in more detail topics in geography and biology. As children complete the experiments, and design some of their own, they learn about the struggle of life to survive and evolve, and the benefits of this vast work over millennia. Children come to see that they have a place in the universe, and in the web of life, as well as a responsibility to contribute to their world in productive ways. As a result, children begin to engage in problem-solving activities relating to themselves and their role in the natural and social environment. Most importantly, they learn that their life is full of meaning.
Physical Sciences: astronomy, dynamic geography, chemistry and physics
The study of the physical sciences is presented as a series of discussions and stories, with the help of charts and experiments to illustrate key points. Each story or discussion opens up a new area of science, providing a key to further exploration. These keys enable children to understand the physical world in which they live.
When children have an understanding of how the universe was formed, and the laws that underpin the formation of the earth, they are able to follow their interests to explore any aspect of the physical sciences, including:
stars, planets, comets and black holes
landforms, weather phenomenon and changes to the earth
atoms, molecules, states of matter and chemical changes
light, sound, magnets and simple machines
Life Sciences: Biology and Ecology
In the Montessori cosmic education curriculum, biology highlights the interdependence of all living and non-living things within the environment and the ways in which these interdependent relationships are sustained. The aim of this area of the curriculum is to foster in children an ecological view of the web of life and a feeling of responsibility for the environment. To provide children with an intellectual tool for ordering and relating information about the biological world, systems for classifying living things are introduced.
The study of biology includes both botany and zoology. Children engage in a range of activities through which they investigate and classify the plant and animal kingdoms. They examine:
the internal and external parts of plants and animals
the vital functions of plants and animals, including locomotion, nervous system, respiration, nutrition, and reproduction
In summary, studying biology in this way offers children a means for classifying plants and animals, allowing them to order and relate biological facts. The study reveals how systems of classification follow evolution. Children discover that each life form on earth, while apparently selfishly fighting for its own survival, is in reality serving the good of the whole. Dr Montessori called this phenomenon the cosmic plan.
Science History and Inquiry Skills 2.SC.010
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
.01 Describe how people use science in their daily lives, including:
using patterns to make scientific predictions
data to develop scientific explanations
.02 Consider how people use scientific explanations to meet a need or solve a problem
.03 Develop and pose questions to:
explore observed simple patterns and relationships
make predictions based on experiences
.04 Suggest and follow safe procedures to:
investigate questions
test predictions
.05 Plan and conduct investigations:
to answer questions
to test predictions
while identifying the elements of fair tests
while considering the safe use of materials and equipment
.06 Make and record observations, including informal measurements, using digital tools as appropriate
.07 Follow procedures to:
make and record observations using formal measurements
using familiar scaled instruments
using digital tools as appropriate
.08 Sort and order data, construct and use representations:
using tables
simple column graphs
using visual or physical models
showing simple relationships and identify patterns
.09 Compare findings with those of others:
consider if investigations were fair
identify questions for further investigation
draw conclusions
.10 Write and create texts to:
communicate observations, findings and ideas,
using everyday and scientific vocabulary
using digital tools as appropriate
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- Inquiry and skills can be found in the studies of the Earth in the Physical and Life Sciences 6-9:
- The Earth:
- Globes to maps
- Continents and countries: first knowledge
- Landforms
- Maps and plans
- The creation of the Universe
- The formation of the earth
- Geography: first classification
- Movement of the Earth
- Biology and Ecology
- The coming of life
The evolution of life
Inquiry and skills can be found in the studies of History and Social Sciences 6-9:
- Time:
- Time: first knowledge
- Measuring time: day
- Measuring time: week and month
- Measuring time: year
- Measuring time: century
- Human History:
- Fundamental needs of humans
- The coming of humans
- Society and civilisation
- Australian History:
- Our Nation to Our Local Communities
- Cultural & economic geography: the work of humans
Resources include:
- Lamp, globe and other scientific model materials
- Montessori geography and botany charts
- Montessori puzzle maps, flag maps and related materials
- Montessori land and water forms and related card materials
- Montessori timelines and related card materials
- materials for experiments
- a variety of historic and geographic sourced objects and artefacts
- unscaled, scaled and annotated timelines
- labelled and annotates maps and models
- stories about significant events and special places
- historical and scientific texts including various atlases
- maps, chart and other visuals
- historical and geographical images
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
Globes to Maps 2.SC.020
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Understand how 2D maps are used to represent the 3D globe
02. Name and identify parts of the earth: continents, oceans
03. Review and consolidate knowledge of the names of the continents and of the oceans
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- demonstrating how continents and oceans on a 3D globe can be represented on a 2D map
- locating continents and oceans on the globe
- activities to consolidate knowledge of names, including etymology and spelling
- labelling continents and oceans on maps
- making first maps
- going out, excursions and guest speaker
- collecting data and information through observation and research activities for interpretation and drawing conclusions
- research projects.
Resources include:
- sandpaper globe, blue and white globe
- puzzle map of continents, labels
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
Continents and Countries: First knowledge 2.SC.030
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Build knowledge of the continent of Australia and neighbouring countries of Oceania:
location, capital and flag of each country
seas adjacent to each country
location, capital and flag of each Australian state and territory
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boundaries in comparison to Australian states and territories
02. Build knowledge of other continents and their countries: location, capital, flag, adjacent seas
03. Exploring the parts of flags
04. Exploring emblems, anthems and other symbols of:
Australian commonwealth and states
countries in Oceania region
countries in other continents of the world
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- finding continents on globe and puzzle map of continents
- working with puzzle maps and related blue and white maps: putting pieces in map; labelling countries and seas; matching each country with its capital and flag
- making maps and flags; singing anthems
- going out, excursions and guest speakers
- collecting data and information through observation and research activities for interpretation and drawing conclusions
- research projects e.g., research country of origin of parents or grandparents.
Resources include:
- globes
- geography cabinet: puzzle maps, matching paper maps, labels (brown, blue, red and white), flags
- map-making equipment
- drawing and construction materials
- picture material and maps
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
Landforms 2.SC.040
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Review knowledge of and define major landforms:
archipelago/chain of lakes
02. Locate on maps major land and water forms in:
the world
home state
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- demonstrations, model-making and labelling of pairs of landforms with modelling clay and water
- building definitions
- reading activities: sorting and matching pictures, labels and definitions; organising jumbled definitions, booklets
- finding particular land and water forms on maps e.g., world map, map of Australia
- making maps, charts, models and booklets
- going out and excursions e.g., museums, land and water forms in the environment
- guest speakers
- collecting data and information through observation and research activities for interpretation and drawing conclusions
- research projects.
Resources include:
- globe
- equipment for making models of land and water forms
- card material: diagrams, labels, definitions, booklets
- photographs and maps
- map-making equipment
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
Maps and Plans 2.SC.050
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Understand the cardinal points of the compass and how they are used
02. Use a compass
03. Read maps to find locations
04. Draw simple plans
05. Make maps
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- the story of direction: north, south, east, west and intermediate directions e.g., north east
- using a compass for orientation and to find the way
- drawing plans for simple objects; using plans to build models
- drawing plans and building models of a classroom or house (real and imaginary)
- drawing plans of the local area, with a key and with directions marked
- learning the map-maker’s alphabet
- creating and reading treasure maps
- using maps to find the highest and lowest points on the earth
- going out, excursions, guest speakers.
Resources include:
- globes, photographs and maps
- equipment for making maps
- points of the compass card material
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
The Creation of the Universe 2.SC.060
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
.01 Explore and discuss the creation of the universe
.02 Imagine the dimensions of the universe: the span of time, the vastness of space, the number of stars
.03 Consider the laws and forces behind the formation of the universe and the earth: cold and heat, energy and matter, time and space, the speed of light, sound energy, pushes and pulls, forces of attraction, the three states of matter, the effect of cold and heat on matter (contract/expand), volcanoes and water vapour
.04 Recognise that objects can be composed of different materials and describe the observable properties of those materials
.05 Recognise that materials can be changed physically without changing their material composition and explore the effect of different actions on materials including bending, twisting, stretching and breaking into smaller pieces
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- great story: the formation of the universe, including the history of the earth, with demonstrations and experiments
- independent work with experiments and charts
- going out, excursions and guest speakers
- making timelines, charts and models, artwork
- student presentations, discussions, factual and creative writing, drama
- research projects.
Resources include:
- charts
- equipment for demonstrations and experiments
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
The Earth and the Solar System: the sun’s family 2.SC.070
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Identify the major bodies of the solar system: sun, planets, moons
02. Compare the relative sizes of the sun and the planets, and the distances between them
03. Learn the names and sequence of the planets
04. Explore forces acting on the planets: attraction, centrifugal and centripetal, inertia, gravity
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- solar system demonstrations and lessons; experiments
- making charts and models of the solar system, including scale models outdoors
- produce claymation videos that demonstrate interactions of planets
- activities to learn names, including etymology and spelling
- going out, excursions and guest speakers e.g., planetarium, observatory
- research projects e.g., individual planets, the moon, the story of Pluto to explore the definition of a planet, comparing planets, other bodies in the solar system such as asteroids and comets, Earth as the ‘Goldilocks’ planet, crystals.
Resources include:
- sun and solar system charts and models
- equipment for demonstrations and experiments
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digita)
- video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Elements)
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
The Formation of the Earth 2.SC.080
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Build knowledge of the geological development of the earth e.g., cooling of the earth, the settling of heavier and lighter substances
02. Explore the changing of matter during the formation of the earth:
the cosmic dance: hot air rises
the time of the volcanoes: matter changing state
the Sun’s beautiful daughter: erosion, evaporation, crystallisation
03. Explore the formation of the layers of the earth:
barysphere (core and mantle)
lithosphere (crust)
04. Consider how the surface of the earth (the mineral kingdom) was formed: stratification of rocks, formation of mountains, folds and fractures, types of rocks
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- demonstrations and experiments e.g., how different solids and liquids settle according to weight; how the Earth’s surface folds and fractures
- independent work with experiments and charts
- making simple models e.g., of the earth and its layers, rock strata, folds and fractures; labelling models
- produce animation videos that demonstrate formation of the earth
- collecting different types of rocks; identifying strata, evidence of volcanoes, mountains, folds and fractures in the environment
- going out, excursions and guest speakers
- research projects.
Resources include:
- charts e.g., cosmic dance (cooling of the earth), the sun, the time of the volcanoes, the sun’s beautiful daughter, solar system, layers of the earth
- equipment for demonstrations and experiments
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digita).
- video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Elements
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
Geography: First classification 2.SC.090
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Review the layers of the earth:
barysphere (core and mantle)
lithosphere (crust)
02. Name and explore parts of the atmosphere
03. Name and define major features of the earth’s surface (lithosphere): islands, coasts, mountains, plains, valleys
04. Name and define major features of the hydrosphere: seas, glaciers, rivers, lakes
05. Identify parts of volcanoes
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- demonstrations and model-making of features; building definitions
- activities to learn names, including etymology and spelling
- reading activities: sorting and matching pictures, labels and definitions; organising jumbled definitions, booklets
- identifying features in the environment e.g., islands, coasts, mountains, volcanoes, plains, valleys, rivers, lakes
- finding features on maps e.g., world map, map of Australia
- making maps, charts, models and booklets
- going out and excursions e.g., museums, features in the environment
- guest speakers
- research projects.
Resources include:
- equipment for making models
- card material: diagrams, labels, definitions, booklets
- layers of the earth chart
- geography charts, photographs and maps
- map-making equipment
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
Solar Energy and the Earth 2.SC.100
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Build knowledge of the effects of sun on the Earth:
sunlight absorbed and stored by the earth; visible and invisible heat
the rays of the sun falling on the earth at different angles (perpendicular and oblique)
the sun and the atmosphere: the blanket of the earth, rain (evaporation and condensation), the formation of wind (air takes up space, air and water, warm air expands and rises, cold air sinks, air currents), air pressure (high, low); heating and cooling (timing)
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- demonstrations using charts, models and card material e.g., globe and light bulb; representations of sun’s rays falling on earth; using candle, incense and balloon to demonstrate how heat is stored and dispersed and warm air rises and expands; game of air
- activities to learn names, including etymology and spelling
- independent work with models
- produce claymation videos that demonstrate effects of Sun on Earth
- keeping records; making charts, models and booklets
- going out and excursions e.g., museums, observation in the environment
- guest speakers
- research projects.
Resources include:
- geography charts, photographs, models
- equipment for making models
- moveable card material: diagrams, labels, definitions; booklets
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital)
- video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Elements)
Movement of the Earth 2.SC.110
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Build knowledge of the effects of the movement of the earth
the revolution of the Earth around the sun
the rotation of the Earth tilted on its axis
night and day; hottest and coldest parts of the day
time zones: longitude
seasons, solstices, equinoxes
calendars and leap years
latitude and the five parallels: Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic circles
the zones of the earth
climate types
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- demonstrations using charts, models and card material e.g., globe and light bulb; what would happen if the earth did not rotate:
- activities to learn names, including etymology and spelling
- independent work with models
- produce claymation videos that demonstrate interactions of the Earth and the Sun
- keeping records; making charts, models, maps and booklets
- going out and excursions e.g., museums, observation in the environment
- guest speakers
- collecting data and information through observation and research activities for interpretation and drawing conclusions
- research projects e.g., comparing Australia’s time with time in other parts of the world, daylight saving time.
Resources include:
- equipment for making models
- card material: diagrams, labels, definitions, booklets
- sun and earth charts; time zone charts
- photographs
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital)
- video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Elements
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
Seasons and Weather: First knowledge 2.SC.120
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Undertake simple atmospheric experiments:
observe weather from season to season
measure weather elements e.g., rain, temperature, air pressure, wind speed
02. Build understanding of types of weather, and their causes, in relation to the seasons, locations and climates
03. Build an understanding of the different ways in which cultural groups describe season and weather events
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- demonstrations and models
- daily observation and record-keeping
- organising data on graphs or charts
- going out, excursions and guest speakers
- collecting data and information through observation and research activities for interpretation and drawing conclusions
- research projects.
Resources include:
- weather observation equipment
- observation and record-keeping charts
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
The Coming of Life 2.SC.130
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Explore ways of understanding the coming of life on earth (Precambrian era): the work of the sun, air, water and rocks; the cleaning of the oceans by the protozoa, the sponges and the corals
02. Build understanding of the geological time scale
03. Using the five kingdoms of life as a guide/scaffold for thinking about the evolution of life
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- great story: the coming of life
- clock of eras presentation and activities
- etymology lessons for the names of the eras
- from the clock of eras to the timeline of eras
- activities to explore non-living/living; live/dead; the five kingdoms of life) e.g., sorting activities, research in the environment, discussions
- making timelines, charts and models, artwork, claymation videos
- student presentations, discussions, debates (e.g., between the sun, air, water, rocks and tiny creatures), factual and creative writing, drama
- research projects e.g., creation stories from different times and places used to explain the coming of humans to the earth.
Resources include:
- clock of eras
- timeline of eras
- card material
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
The Evolution of Life 2.SC.140
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Build an understanding of the evolution of life on earth:
eras: Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Neozoic
ages: trilobites/invertebrates, sea lilies, fish, amphibians, Carboniferous period, reptiles (Triassic and Jurassic), flowers, birds and giant, then smaller, mammals
02. Build an understanding of the links between the evolution of life and the changing surface and climate of the earth e.g. volcanoes, ice ages, changes in continents and oceans
03. Build an understanding of the expanses of time before and after the arrival of life on earth
04. Build an understanding of the evolutionary time scale
.05 Compare characteristics of living and non-living things and examine the differences between the life cycles of plants and animals
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- showing the transition from the clock of eras to the timeline of life
- the timeline of life initial presentation and stories of each era and exercises
- etymology lessons for terms on the timeline
- exploring the symbols in the timeline: ice ages, continent maps, mountains, red lines
- working with manipulable symbols and pictures of plants and animals on the blank timeline
- making timelines, charts and models, artwork
- student presentations, discussions, debates, factual and creative writing, drama
research projects e.g., movement of tectonic plates, volcanoes and ice ages, the rise and fall of different life forms, study of a particular era or age, fossils, making evolutionary timelines for particular plants and/or animals.
Consider questions such as:
- how over time plants and animals evolved more effective ways to care for and protect their young
- how a relatively small creature without sharp teeth or claws, with no scales nor fur, who cared not only for their own young, but for others, could become so influential on the earth
Resources include:
- timelines, manipulable pictures and labels, charts, models
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital)
- video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Elements)
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
The Plant Kingdom: Kinds, parts, functions 2.SC.150
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Observe and name the parts of plants: leaf, root, stem, flower, fruit, seed
02. Understand the basic needs of plants
03. Recognise, name and describe plants of different types in the local environment
04. Build awareness of the relations between plants and humans e.g., useful, harmful
05. Build first knowledge of a simple plant classification system: non-vascular and vascular, without and with seeds, non-flowering and flowering
06. Compare fungi and plants
07. Discover links between the system for plant classification and the evolution of plants
08. Build a first knowledge of the functions of the parts of plants e.g., plants and the nitrogen cycle, plants and the water cycle, roots and erosion, the leaf as a food factory/photosynthesis/making oxygen
09. Explore variations in the parts of plants: types of leaves, roots, stems, flowers, fruits, and seeds
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- growing plants, gardening, caring for indoor plants
- demonstrations and experiments
- dissecting plants and labelling parts
- drawing and recording
- making models, charts and booklets
- building definitions
- first knowledge of the plant kingdom reading and sorting games and exercises
- introduction to classification activity: sorting everyday objects by colour, material, shape, etc.
- first classification of the plant kingdom: lessons, exercises, independent work
- needs and functions of plants: demonstrations, experiments, independent work
- classification of the parts of plants: demonstrations, experiments, observation, independent work
- going out, excursions and guest speakers, Bush Care projects
- botanical drawing
- research projects e.g., one particular plant, the plants in a particular place such as the backyard, the park, a gully, a creek
- photographing plants and parts of plants with a digital camera for a photobook
Resources include:
- first knowledge of the plant kingdom ‘Who am I?’ pictures, labels, descriptions, question cards
- first classification of the plant kingdom demonstrations and exercises the timeline of life
- botany charts: needs of the plant
- botany charts: leaf, root, stem, flower, fruit, seeds
- classification material: pictures, labels, cards, definitions, booklets
- plant specimens
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
- digital camera
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
The Animal Kingdom: Kinds, parts, functions 2.SC.160
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Observe and build knowledge of a variety of animals
02. Build first knowledge of Australian animals (native, domestic and exotic/feral), particularly in the local environment
03. Build awareness of the relationships between animals and humans e.g., useful, harmful
04. Identify the external parts of vertebrates
05. Gain understanding of the classification of animals: monera, invertebrates, vertebrates
06. Build a first knowledge of the five classes of vertebrates
07. Build first knowledge of the functions of internal parts of vertebrates
08. Build first knowledge of the external and internal parts of invertebrates
09. Discover links between the system for animal classification and the evolution of animals
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- caring for classroom pets
- demonstrations
- drawing and recording
- making models, charts and booklets
- first knowledge of the animal kingdom reading and sorting games and exercises
- introduction to classification activity: sorting everyday objects by colour, material, shape, etc.
- first classification of the animal kingdom demonstrations and exercises
- demonstrations, lessons, observations, reading and labelling games to explore the external and internal parts of vertebrates and invertebrates
- going out, excursions and guest speakers
- student presentations, factual and creative writing
- research projects e.g., particular animals, animals living in a particular place such as the backyard, a rock pool, a farm.
Resources include:
- first knowledge of the animal kingdom ‘Who am I?’ pictures, labels, descriptions, question cards
- first classification of the animal kingdom charts and card material
- external and internal parts of animals pictures, labels, cards, booklets and definitions
- the timeline of life
- live animals
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).
+ Links to Australian Curriculum (ACv9)
The Vital Functions of Living Things 2.SC.170
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
Typically, children will:
01. Develop language to discuss the vital functions of living beings: element, atom, molecule, cell, photosynthesis
02. Compare vital functions of different classes of plants and animals including:
preserving life/building new cells: respiration, nutrition, circulation
preserving life/relating to the outside: support/skeleton, sensation, movement
preserving the species: reproduction, protection of the young
+ Materials and Activity
Activities include:
- comparative study of vital functions story, demonstrations, activities
- reading, labelling and sorting activities
- building an array of moveable material to compare vital functions
- going out, excursions and guest speakers
- student presentations, factual and creative writing
- research projects.
Resources include:
- vital functions card material and chart
- all materials for exploring the kinds, parts and functions of living things
- reference and research materials (paper-based, digital, web-based, multimedia).